Support site for eventyay platform

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To get started, go to and search for the event you want to register for. Alternatively, you can go to the event page directly using the link provided by the event organizer.

Then select ticket type and number of tickets you want to purchase and proceed. Once you complete your order, you’ll receive a confirmation email with your ticket information.

1. Go to the event page and click ‘Tickets’ on the left column.

Buying Ticket

2. Select the type and number of the tickets you want purchase.

Buying Ticket

3. Hit the ‘Order Now’ button. You’ll be asked to provide your email to proceed.

Buying Ticket

Note: If your email had been previously registered on Eventyay, you’ll have to enter your password to continue. If not, you will be re-directed to the check-out page. (You can verify your new account later by clicking on the comfirmation link sent to your email.)

4. When you are at check-out page, complete the registration form within 15 minutes.

Buying Ticket